Sunday, July 19, 2009

brynne can see God

eve said tonight. it all started with "once upon a time" (eve's favorite thing to do with daddy every night but since he was out, i had to use my not so imaginative imagination) so we were talking about pregnancy and the uterus and pushing babies out and how eve wants to have a baby and how God makes every good thing including babies. and how we can't see God- she thought this meant that He must be in the ground- but can see all the things He made, so she thought that since God put brynne in my "belly"- i swore i would never use this inaccurate terminology so i grit my teeth when it happens- , she must have seen Him when He did it. which started a whole other conversation about brynne not having eyes in the beginning, etc, etc, etc.

Friday, July 10, 2009