Wednesday, December 21, 2005

december 21

new job. huge blessing. lots of stress. i guess i don't know how to work part-time. i'm the kind of person who likes to work on something until it's done. otherwise, it hangs over me and creates stress. but, this means that i am basically working all the time because there's always more to do. with a full-time job, you usually have natural boundaries, like the weekend. now, my home life & work life are intertwined, and i find myself waking up at 1 in the morning thinking about something i forgot to do. not fun. but need to remember, new job... huge blessing. thanks God.


amy said...

arkrk! that would be so hard...i totally understand what you mean. like sometimes i want to work from home but then i think that when i have the clear boundary of home and work i can just forget it the minute i walk out the door....but it IS a huge blessing to be able to be at home and once you get more familiar with it it will get easier....

amy said...

just got your christmas picture and sandy says that you look prettier than ever!!!

amy said...

I GOT THE FUZZY BLANKET for christmas from phil!!!! we got a red one- i love it!!!

amy said...

time for another blog entry julie