Wednesday, November 16, 2005

november 16

today is my first attempt at crockpot cooking. turkey breast with bulgar and feta cheese. chose it partly because it's healthy, partly b/c it's easy- no prep cooking for the meat required. i do NOT like handling meat, so a recipe that minimizes meat contact is the one for me. hopefully it passes the taste test. so many recipes out there end up tasting bland and result in encouraging me to give up cooking altogether. but, i so much like the idea of having home-cooked meals that i am committed to staying the course. plus, it's a matter of necessity. we cannot go out to eat like we did pre-baby, pre-income cutting in half. but, i think of this as a good thing (oh i becoming martha stewart?). we are so ready for the domestic life. our life has changed dramatically- up at 6am, breakfast, lunch & dinner at home, in bed by 8 or 9. who knew i wouldn't mind washing dishes, changing diapers, and breastfeeding every 3 hours?


Don said...

i can't wait to eat it!!!!

amy said...


that is me screaming because i am so so so excited that you have a blog.....yayayayayay! i love you! you are so great - i will check it 30 times a day now so you have to write stuff! you are such a great friend, i miss you already after 2 weeks in a row of having fun hanging out together!!!!!!